Hello! My name is Danielle, I am the owner of Bond Clinic. I thought it would be important to share my story on the reason why I started this business and went into skin industry.
The real reason believe it or not is because I spent years of hating my skin! I struggled with acne from age of 15. It’s something that made me incredibly self-conscious and embarrassed. I would never leave the house without makeup on, even when I would sleep around friends' houses, I would go to sleep with full face makeup on. It really affected my mental health and confidence which I hated.
I spent years trying so many products and routines, nothing seemed to work. When lockdown hit, it was first time in our lives we all had nothing to do or anything going on. I spent the first few weeks doing research and trying out different routines, understanding what ingredients were beneficial and what ones were not.
I invested into a few high end skin brands and after 6 weeks of being consistent, I saw a difference. After trying tons of products and routines for 6 years, this was the first time I had ever seen results, I couldn’t believe it. Don’t get me wrong my skin was far from perfect but it was a massive improvement, I felt so confident in my skin for the first time in a while.
I kept being consistent and after year, I had clear skin. I ended up sharing the first below pictures before and after to Instagram. To my surprise, I had an overwhelming response. I had many DMs’ asking how I did it, what I used, so many saying it makes them feel so much better knowing they are not alone. It felt good to help others and give advice on something that I had become so passionate about. However, I couldn’t help but feel sad, to know there are so many of us struggling in silence.
Another year went by and unfortunately my acne came back. This then knocked my confidence once again. This time around I did not have time or patience, I decided to invest in a skin specialist, it was one of the best decisions I made! They were able to help control my acne and having someone there made whole thing so much better. It was from this I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I decided I was going to help others become not only more confident and happier in their skin but educated and knowing they have someone to talk too. I had been going back and forth with myself on what my next career move would be, It just felt so right, so I took risk and went for it.
I invested into one of UK leading skin clinics to become qualified skin tech. I knew on my first day of training I made the right decision. I had worked full time since I was 15 years old and was in recruitment for 6 years. Although it was good to me, it was never my passion, I always knew I would have my own business, it just took me a while to figure out what in.
Now I couldn’t be happier, doing something I love and making relationships with clients makes my day. I love my job and feel so grateful to be able to do something I’m passionate about. Below you can see timeline of my skin journey, along with some of my own work on my skin.
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